Mrs. Joan Mrakpor, Director General, Delta State Capital City Development Agency.

By Ovedhe Hezekiah

Women in Delta state under the group, Right Advocates, have declared solidarity for the Director General Delta State Capital Territory Development Agency, Mrs. Joan Mrakpor.

The group led by Tega Shalokpe, on Thursday 20th February marched in solidarity with Mrakpor to the secretariat of the Correspondents’ chapel of Nigeria Union of Journalists in Warri, Delta state.

The women said they were happy with the performance of Mrakpor as DG of the Delta State Capital Territory Development Agency.

The women numbering more 100 stormed the Correspondents’ chapel’s office with placards with different messages in solidarity with Mrakpor.

Women in Delta walk in solidarity with Mrakpor, DG Delta State Capital Territory Dev't Agency National President of Rights Advocates, Tega Shalokpe, flanked by other women, addressing the press during the solidarity match to Correspondents’ chapel, Warri, Delta state on Thursday.

Some of the placards as seen in photographs sent in by our correspondent read,”Mrakpor is working in Asaba and environs”, “We say no to victimization”, “We say no to fake news”, “We say no to blackmail”, “We say no to rumor mongers”.

Other read; “Total cooperation towards the cleanliness of Asaba”, “An urgent call to other DG’s to carryout duties bestowed on them by the Delta State Governor” and “Let’s join hands with Mrakpor to clean Asaba and environs.”

National President of Right Advocates, Tega Shalokpe, said the women were at the press centre to declare solidarity for Mrakpor for her sterling performance as DG of the state capital territory development agency and discountenance false information peddled recently about her performance.

“Mrakpor is working. She is working. Other people who are given the same position in the State, they’re not doing anything. The Governor has commissioned 104 shops so far. She is working. We should say no to blackmailing. We should say no to scandal.”

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Shalokpe said the performance of Joan Mrakpor, as DG of the Delta State Capital City Development Agency as evident in the construction of 104 shops which have been commissioned by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, and other projects, is glaring, hence the campaign of calumny against her was unfounded and baseless.

The group called on Governor Okowa to ignore the blackmail and campaigns of calumny against Mrakpor.

“We are here to counter those news and we are saying no to those fake news. We are saying no to blackmailing. We are saying no to scandal and we want the State Government to ignore whatever that anybody has written or said on social media concerning Mrs. Mrakpor.”

Wong Box, a social media platform recently criticised the demolition of illegal structures in Asaba by the Delta State Capital Territory Development Agency.

The social media platform had described the demolition as illegal.

The Right Advocates said Thursday that the reports by Wong Box about the Mrakpor Delta State Capital Territory Development Agency were fake news.

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Speaking separately to newsmen, Mrs. Rose Onomavwe, who is also a member of Right Advocates said the women have confidence in Mrakpor and called on Delta state governor to allow her continue as DG of the state capital territory development agency in Asaba.
