Abasifreke Effiong – Uyo

A pressure group in Akwa Ibom state, Akwa Ibom Liberation Movement (AILM) has said that it is satisfied with the state government’s response and management of the outbreak of Coronavirus in the state.

Akwa Ibom Liberation Movement formed in 2018 as a socio-political group has been at the vanguard of advocacy for peaceful election, inclusive and transparent governance.

The group says in its assessment, the Akwa Ibom State Governor Mr. Udom Emmanuel, has given the right kind of leadership both in management of the COVID-19 cases and reaching out to residents of the state who have been seriously affected by the lock down.

At a press conference on Friday in Uyo, National Secretary of AILM, Barr. Solomon Abasiekong, lauded Governor Udom Emmanuel, for approving the distribution of food items to over 3000 gazetted communities in the state as part of intervention to curb hunger during the lock down.

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The Akwa Ibom state government started distribution of food items which included rice, beans, garri, noodles and all purpose flour, earlier this week as part of palliative to cushion impact of the restriction of movement ordered by the state as a measure to contain the spread of the novel Coronavirus.

Abasiekong said AILM monitored the distribution of the food items provided by government to communities in the state, and noted that the distribution was hitch-free and well coordinated.

“We wish to note that, as our field officers observed across the 31 local government areas in the State, the distribution of food items provided by the state government for communities was well coordinated and delivered.”

“We note with utmost satisfaction the state government’s approach, which was delivering the palliative directly to the respective village councils for onward sharing to the people . This method has given us impetus to thank Governor Udom Emmanuel for giving the palliative and the Incident Management Committee on COVID-19 in the state in ensuring that the intervention was not politicized.”

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“The food intervention has further proven the governor’s sensitivity, love and concern for the people of the State.”

The group applauded the state government’s ability to manage cases that tested positive to the Coronavirus.

“Despite the earlier public misunderstanding about the state government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are happy to say that Akwa Ibom state government led by His Excellency, Mr. Udom Emmanuel has properly managed the outbreak of the virus.”

“The successful management of the five index cases, which three were discharged on Thursday after they fully recovered from the virus, and ensuring that there is no downstream infections in communities as a result of the virus, clearly show that the government has done well in managing the pandemic.”

The Dune had earlier reported that three persons who tested positive to the Coronvirus in Akwa Ibom state have fully recovered and discharge from hospital.

The group called on residents of the state to adhere to professional health advice on the pandemic and regulations by the government aimed to stop the spread of the Coronavirus infection.

Meanwhile, the Akwa Ibom state government has extended the ban on movement of persons in the state by one week.

The two weeks ban of movement of persons order by the governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel as part of measures to stop community spread of COVID-19 disease elapsed on Friday.

Secretary to Akwa Ibom state government and chairman of the state’s incident management committee on COVID-19, Dr. Emmanuel Ekuwem announced the one week extension in a statement on Friday.

Ekuwem said the lock down will be reviewed in line with national and international occurrences around the COVID-19 pandemic.
