Barr. Onofiok Luke, governorship aspirant.

By Peter Okon

Let’s not sell the lame viewpoint that he’s too young for the office of governor. This doesn’t add up, and, to put it succinctly, this line of argument is way off the mark as far as the right person that should sit atop the state’s number one office from 2023 is concerned.

To bring up such argument is to pooh-pooh and throw into the trash can, the not-too-young-to-run policy which has since become law. At any rate, those who are saying this of Onofiok Luke have clearly ran out of points to use against the governorship quest of this astute legal luminary and seasoned politician.

Barr. Onofiok Luke, to state the obvious, is experienced, ready and primed to serve the people of Akwa Ibom State as governor. This is no matter of age, but who can get the job done. Someone who has seen it all right from his days as student leader in the university, worked closely with various administrations in different capacities is eminently qualified to pilot the affairs of our dear state.

The Nsit Ubium born politician has the vision to turn around the fortunes of Akwa Ibom State. Luke wants to build the people. He’s not talking like one who doesn’t know how to get it done. In saying he wants to build the people, he speaks from a position of knowledge. He speaks as one that knows exactly where the shoe pinches. He has worn this shoe hence needs no one to tell him the utmost yearnings and desires of the people of Akwa Ibom State.

Onofiok Luke is brimming with ideas that are in tune with modern times. Little wonder he knows that at a time like this, after enormous investment by previous and present administrations in infrastructure, it is time to also channel resources to building a people that are in dire need of economic empowerment. Our people need to have a sustainable source of livelihood. Throwing freebies here and there has proven not to be the best way a people can truly be empowered. While that is not totally out of place given that government is in place to cater for the needs of the citizens, Barr. Luke is poised to sustainably and deliberately empower Akwa Ibom people. He means what he says.

He is no stranger here. Having followed the trajectory of governance in the state right from the military to democratic times, Onofiok Luke is surely the best man at this time to keep the peace of development in Akwa Ibom State going. A vote for Onofiok Luke will bring about a breath of fresh air to the governance machinery of the State.

An upwardly mobile fellow, Luke is the bridge between the old and new order. Respectful and blessed with the gift of the garb, Onofiok Luke will ensure that the youths have a pride of place in governance. He will equally ensure that elders are given their due respect and their place of honour not desecrated.

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One may want to think that his promises are normal since he is a Nigerian politician, but taking stroll down history lane and scrutinising him based on the offices he has held, including his time as Speaker of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, one would come to the conclusion that Onofiok Luke is cut from a different clothe. He is not your every day politician who sugarcoats words just to mislead or bamboozle the people. No. Here is a man whose word has always been his bond. It is safe to say and emphatically too that his building together, growing together mantra is well thought out, and all he has outlined therein, are all within the realms of reality and possibility.

Akwa Ibomites should take the right decision that they will never regret they did, rather than follow a path they will pinch themselves tomorrow, gnaw their teeth. Now that it is still day, let us queue behind the aspiration of Barr. Onofiok Luke. His aspiration is an Akwa Ibom project. He is on a divine mission to reposition our state. Let us all join this train and help drive it to the desired destination. This is no time for contemplation. We know a man that can do this job. And that man is Onofiok Luke. Putting shallow sentiments aside, he is the square peg for this square hole.

Akwa Ibom will be more prosperous with Onofiok Luke as governor. Our people will enjoy the dividends of democracy without let or hindrance. There will be money in our pockets. Our economic fortunes will take a turn for the better. Our youths will be gainfully employed. Every strata of the society will be adequately accommodated in Luke’s building, growing together mantra. Let’s give him our mandate and be sure of a future that will be beneficial to all and sundry.

So, as we inch closer to the primaries, delegates should not allow pecuniary sentiments becloud their sense of judgement. They should know that eight years is not eight days or eight months. They should think deeply before being made to take a decision that’ll only keep them smiling for a while, but keep them toiling and lamenting for eight years. Do not allow the fleeting gratification of the moment rub you and our dear state of a better, more prosperous future.

At this time, the destiny of over six million people rest in your hands. Will you disappoint the people and plunge the state into an uncertain future with your choice, or will you search and allow your true conscience have its way as you approach the ballot box? Will you be proud few hours after the outcome of the election? Will posterity judge you well, or will it be said that you sold our state to the highest bidders for immediate but unsustainable gratification? Let us think about the collective well-being of our people and take a decision that we all will be proud of tomorrow.

In all we do, let us know that Rt. Hon. (Barr.) Onofiok Akpan Luke means well for the state. He thinks daily of how he can better the lots of our people. He is passionate about Akwa Ibom State becoming the toast of other states in the country. He is ready to actualise his lofty dreams for the state if he is given a chance to do so.

The ball is now in the court of delegates. Think about not just today, but think about the next eight years. Is that money worth it? Don’t allow anybody use you to actualise a dream that will not augur well for the people of Akwa Ibom State. Eight years is a long time to toy with.
