A yet-to-be-identified member of a robbery gang has been killed in the eve of Christmas in Warri, Delta state.

One of the gang members met his waterloo in a tricycle on Tuesday night preparatory to Christmas when a fully loaded gun of his fellow gang member accidentally discharged bullets to his head.

The armed gang was suspected to have been on their way to a robbery operation around Kpoloko. Kpoloko is under B-Division, Warri.

A police source told The Dune in the early hours of Wednesday 25th December that an unidentified body with gun injuries on the head and a locally made pistol was picked up around Kpolokpo market, during a late night patrol.

Suspected armed robber killed in accidental discharge on Christmas eve The body of the suspect before it was picked up by police.

“Some armed robbers on a tricycle who went for marauding had a bad night when one of them who was trying to arrange his gun already loaded for action, mistakenly shot at his colleague on the face and he died almost immediately.”

“They quickly move to Kpoloko market along Okere – Okporikoko road and threw the corpse to the ground while they zoomed off to unknown direction.”

No official statement has yet been released by the police on the case.

There has been a high increase in crime rate in Warri during the yuletide.
