Group Captain Sam Ewang, Retired.

By APC Defender & Integrity Group

Who is this cowardly rogue parading the media space as an advocate of illegality propagating falsehood to advance the ill-fated aspiration of insatiable politicians in Akwa Ibom state? If not for mischief purposes, can one spend valuable time exercising his mind to express his sour thoughts as done by this anonymous author without necessarily identifying himself and expressly stating the tendency he represents? Otherwise, how would one know he is aggrieved and how to redress same.

No doubt Akwa Ibom APC and the discerning public are aware of who shot this arrow and the sponsor. The clandestine action as shown in this diatribe elicit their dubious intention and the deceitful leadership they offer. Be warned, when they say “watch my body language and follow me”, it is an invitation to Golgotha. As often said, “a leopard cannot change its skin” and bad habits they say “die hard”. These wise saying aptly characterizes the personality of the ambitious arrowhead of the recent agitation against APC and its leadership in the state. The tactics, pranks and destructive tendencies of these purveyors of ruin (as they did in PDP) is well known to the Party that has promptly resolved to raise its standard against every enemy of destruction.

These author of confusion who thrive in deceit and desperation have set out to destabilize A’Ibom APC with an ill-conceived agenda to take over the party in pursuit of their evil and selfish desire to enthrone the next Governor of the state. To this end, the self-acclaimed “Leader of Akwa Ibom APC” in collusion with his collaborators syndicated an illegal stake-holders meeting which they convened in Uyo on Sunday, 28th March 2021 (and not Saturday, 28th as stated by the spin doctor) against the express refusal by the State Chapter of the Party. HE, Sam Ewang who convened the said meeting had no authority whatsoever under the APC Constitution (October 2014 As Amended) to convene a stake-holders meeting because such authority rest solely with the State Chairman of the Party. Ewang is also NOT a BOT member as claimed because the Party currently has no BOT nor National Caucus as falsely presented by the author.

One is tempted to ponder what on earth could have prompted the haste by the collaborators and conveners of the illegal meeting to assemble hurriedly to merely proclaim Senator Akpabio as leader of APC in the state. Hitherto, Senator Akpabio has been intransigent about party meetings and other activities of the Party. In the one and last stake-holders meeting convened by the Party on 26th September 2020; a date confirmed as convenient by him, Senator Akpabio for reasons best known to him failed to show-up purportedly on grounds of urgent national assignment.

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What’s this talks about “Leadership of the Party” anyway”. A leader is one who sacrifices with love his time, energy and resources for the common good of all; at the exclusion of self. Does Akpabio fall within the ambits of this definition? No! Far from it. A self-acclaimed leader of the Party who has not convened a single meeting of the party since he “moved” to APC nor supported the Party as prescribed being an appointee of government. Hear who is talking about divisiveness when Akpabio has been promoting a personal agenda sponsoring ADF with resources derived from APC while abandoning the party? Political showmanship encapsulated in self-promotion, lies, deceit, greed, acquisitiveness, black-mail and back-stabbing have no further place and future in today’s Nigeria polity. The likes of Akpabio who flourished and prospered in the yore days of DPD misrule should look elsewhere for pastures to feed their ego and self- aggrandisement and not in APC. Those urging and pushing Akpabio on the path of self-destruction should ponder for a moment all the political enemies he has created for himself. A man rejected by his brothers, friends and political associates. A man whose name is synonymous with treachery; despised by men of honour should be avoided like a plague.

No one is known to be contending for leadership in APC as a political Party though there exist within the APC family contending block of interest with identifiable leaders. That by no means suggest that any of such block leader is the leader of Akwa Ibom APC. However, by their individual rankings in the Party, they are recognized and identified as leaders of the party. It is NOT a title reserved for any single individual who may by his whims and caprice arrogate to himself the title of “Leader of APC in the State” as Senator Akpabio forcefully attempted to do. Worst still, at the breach of the Party constitution. Akpabio should be reminded that leadership is earned and not forcefully appropriated to oneself. Who is Senator Akpabio going to lead anyway? You invade a man’s house, seize his wife and children, commandeer his property and declare yourself leader over his family and assets. God forbid bad thing!!!

Neither the Party nor anyone associated with the Party is hounding HE, Sam Ewang. While Ewang’s role and status as a founding member of the Party remains unchallenged, it is disheartening if not unpardonable that HE, Sam Ewang could descend so low into the theatre of absurdity thereby erase the enviable reputation with which he was hitherto identified. Ewang’s character summersault may not be entirely surprising because he who ventures to play with a dog, will certainly get himself dirty. The dirt with which Ewang has smeared himself is of his choice and making. The Party owes him no apology as this may serve as a lesson for him to desist from getting entangled in another’s fight. Howbeit, he has an opportunity to redeem his standing with the Party by satisfactorily explaining his role in the unauthorized stake-holders meeting of 28th March 2021 convened by him.

Back to the rascal who crafted the anonymous letter laced with insults aimed at disparaging APC leaders. It is presumed that he is a renegade member of APC otherwise why would a loyal party man describe the party and its respected leaders as “a coalition of derelict persons hiding behind a clueless and sycophantic Party officers to disunite the Party”. Going further, he wrote; . . . “old order politicians who notoriously jinx the party away from victory because of their inordinate ambition”. Can you beat the bile? Imagine a pot calling a kettle black. Who is more ambitious than the other? The worst ambition is that laced with bile and viciousness as reflected in Akpabio’s conduct and utterances. Soon after he moved to APC, he resolve not to work with the SWC boasting that a “commander cannot work with lieutenants with whom he had no confidence”. The initial attempt to up-stage the SWC failed. With a Party congress at hand, it seems the time is ripe for the adventurers to strike. Hence, the vicious attempt to take charge of the party.

Interestingly, the scamp expressing this bile is a beneficiary; an appointee of the Federal government courtesy of Akwa Ibom APC whose leadership he berated. I wish to remind Mr. anonymous that the party was solid and indissoluble until that 8th of August 2018 “rebel movement”. Contrarily none of the boast that attended the movement came to fruition. There was no “political quake” as boasted. Acclaimed allies with insight knew what to expect and simply abandoned the sinking ship. “War saw war” was a mere fantasy as elections were not concluded and won in 3 hours. Infact, it was a shameful and colossal loss with a conscript for the election heist recently sent to jail. Poor little fellow.

What value has Senator Akpabio brought to the party? For gate-crashing into the Party that others laboured to build, he was given a ministerial appointment and assigned an attractive portfolio. How has Akpabio deployed that plume position to the best interest and betterment of the Party. Rather, he is using the office for witch-hunting and fermenting trouble everywhere in pursuit of a presidential ambition and to enthrone the next Governor of Akwa Ibom state.

Is Senator Akpabio not also of the old order? What is nascent about Akpabio’s political thoughts other than the brutish, crooked and unconscionable money politics that has made Akwa Ibom one of the most expensive political terrain in the country. The spin doctor stated that Akpabio is the natural leader of APC, Akwa Ibom state; and I ask how natural? Was he born with APC? Can an irate stranger be considered or counted as a family member? No way! There is no basis for APC members to queue behind Senator Akpabio. He is not even one of the leaders as he recently recanted his claim to sole leadership. APC has rules and regulations that members must internalise. Akpabio must purge his PDP mentality and learn to work alongside others to gain acceptance and be integrated into the APC family.
