Minister of Education, Mr. Adamu Adamu.

By Marie-Therese Nanlong

Jos – Examinations and other academic activities were on Monday morning paralyzed at the University of Jos as aggrieved staff and students barricaded all entrances leading to all campuses of the institution.

They were protesting alleged plan to subvert the laid down procedures in the choice of a substantive Vice Chancellor for the University.

The protesters who gathered as early as 6a.m in front of the different gates displayed placards, chanting solidarity songs and calling on concerned citizens to call those trying to subvert justice to allow peace to reign not only in the University but the city of Jos which is nurturing its fragile peace.

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It would be recalled that the tenure of the incumbent Vice Chancellor, Professor Sebastian Maimako is ending in June, 2021, 13 candidates were shortlisted from the 18 who applied for the position and all was set for the successful candidate to be unveiled this Friday.

The selection process has been suspended, hence stirring up the protest.

Speaking in front of the barricaded main gate of the permanent site of the institution, Muplang Kangpe SSANU Secretary, Unijos Branch said, “t is with a heavy heart that we are gathered this morning to address you on few issues concerning the University of Jos.”

“Recall that news bulletin from some Media Houses and a publication captured on a National Daily (The Daily Trust) of Monday 12th April, 2021 page 4 bothering on alleged Non-compliance with extant Laws of the University of Jos Act with respect to the Selection process which will lead to the emergence of a substantive Vice-Chancellor.”

“It is no longer news that sometime in February this year the University lost its Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council, the Late Prince Tony Momoh (of blessed memory) who transited to the great beyond after a protracted illness.”

“The University of Jos Act Cap U8 LFN 2004, Third Schedule, Article 1(7) states, ‘if the Pro-Chancellor is not present at a meeting of the Council, such other member of the Council present at the meeting as the Council may appoint in respect of that meeting shall be the Chairman at that meeting, and subject to Sec 4 of the Act and the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the Council may regulate its own procedure’”.

He added that the University of Jos Governing Council Standing Orders Article 9 further supports such situation stating, “if the Chairman is not present at a meeting of the Council, such other member of the Council present at the meeting as the Council may appoint in respect of that meeting shall be the Chairman at that meeting.”

In compliance with the above provisions, “subsisting Council Members through due process elected Dr. (Mrs.) Philomena Mutbam to preside over the Governing Council’s meeting for that day. The late Chairman of Council had initiated the process for the emergence of a new Vice-Chancellor via an advert on 23rd December, 2020 to be concluded in April 2021 before the expiration of their tenure in May of the same year.”

The protesters added, “We are not aware of any breach of the extant Laws regarding the selection process leading to the emergence of a new Vice Chancellor neither are we aware of any petition submitted by any candidate, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Unions, Federal Ministry of Education and the Federal Character Commission.

“To our greatest dismay, the entire selection process was suspended and invitation was extended to all Council Members to appear before the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC) unfailingly Wednesday the 22nd day of April 2021.

“This, we strongly feel is orchestrated to truncate the laid down statutory processes duly followed before the invitation. May we also state that it is an outright disregard of the University Autonomy Act and a usurpation of responsibility of the University Governing Council. This singular act of suspending the selection process is creating unnecessary tension within the University Community and generating suspicion amongst the candidates thereby brewing conflict in a peaceful environment.”

They added, “from our observation, this is perceived to be an external interference skewed to favour a particular candidate as against the interest of the integrity of the process. We would like to draw the attention of the teeming populace of a similar scenario which played out in the University of Benin where the Chairman of the Governing Council resigned and contested an election without being replaced.

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“The remaining members sat and elected an acting Chairman who presided over that process that saw to the emergence of the present Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lilian Salami without any rancour. We beg to ask, why is that of the University of Jos an exception?”

They appealed to the Visitor to the University to “as a matter of urgency call the attention of Professor Abubakar Abdulrasheed the Executive Secretary NUC to desist from interfering with the activities of the University Governing Council who were appointed to oversee the activities of the University on behalf of the Visitor.


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“The Honourable Minister of Education should direct the conclusion of the selection process for the emergence of a new Vice Chancellor,” and called on “all members of the of the University community to remain calm but resolute that due process must be followed as the only alternative for peaceful transition” as “any deviation from the above mentioned would have the Executive Secretary NUC held responsible for any breach of peace in the University.”

Also, the Speaker, Students Union Government, SUG House of Parliament, Nanshin Lakai stressed the students are worried that injustice may bring breach of peace hence all lover of peace should prevail on the authority in Abuja to follow laid down procedures and allow the process to continue.
