The late ACP Inioma-Abbey

By our reporter

Ijaw warlords under the auspices of Bonny Freedom Fighters have threatened to cripple the Nigerian oil industry if the federal government fails to fish out and bring to book the killers of late Oliver Inioma-Abbey, an Assistant Commissioner of Police, who was killed in Anambra state.

The warlords handed down the threat in a statement signed by their spokesman, Charles Hart-Abbey a.k.a Last Don, and made available to our correspondent on Friday.

“We condemn the killing of ACP Inioma-Abbey in strong terms. It is totally unacceptable and unjustifiable. It is not only barbaric, but also an enormous loss to the Ancient Kingdom of Grand Bonny, the Abbey-Hart Chieftaincy House, and the Nigeria Police Force.

“The perpetrators must be identified and brought to justice, and receive punishment commensurate with the crime they have committed against another Nigerian.

“We shall shut down all oil wells in the Niger Delta if this particular death is not probed to a satisfactory conclusion”, the group said .

The late ACP Oliver Inioma-Abbey, whose remains had been buried in his Bonny, Rivers state, was allegedly attacked and killed alongside his men by suspected members of outlawed group, Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) in Oraifite, Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State, on Monday December 2, 2019.

The warlords claimed that until the issuing of the statement, it had not received any information from the Federal Government of Nigeria with regards to the reason behind the gruesome murder of ACP Inioma-Abbey.

According to them, “We are not unaware that we, as Ijaw people of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, had made commensurable sacrifices in our quest to keep the Nigeria state as one; even as a lot of our serving officers were killed in a high-profile conspiracies during this cause. We have not forgotten Major Isaac Adaka Boro and other patriots of the Ijaw extraction who were victims of this disgusting circumstances.

“Today we are witnessing yet another ploy by the detractors of the Nigerian state to clandestinely eliminate our serving officers and elites for refusing to collaborate with them to destabilize this country by using our serving officers as soft targets since we have vehemently rejected the inglorious Biafra Republic.

“Imperatively, it behoves on Mr President to look both inwardly and outwardly to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to book as we suspect an internal conspiracy, considering the circumstances that led to ACP Oliver Inioma-Abbey’s death. Where this fails to happen, the consequence that will follow in the entire Niger Delta region will be unimaginable”.

The Anambra state commissioner of Police, Mr john Abang, could not be reached for comments on the late ACP Oliver Inioma-Abbey as of the time of filing this report.

Mr Abang did not respond to calls put through to his mobile phone line twice on Friday morning. He did not also reply a text message sent to him by our correspondent.

The group had earlier condemned the killing of ACP Inioma-Abbey in a statement issued in December, 2019.

They had asked President Muhammadu Buhari to “issue the necessary orders and commands to all the relevant security services to use their best skills to fish out and bring to justice the perpetrators of this inhuman and primitive act as expeditiously as possible”.

They also advised that “there should be no gatherings in the name of IPOB in the (Bonny) kingdom, as a preventive measure to forestall any further provocations or reasons to instigate violence in our kingdom”, calling on the Rivers state government to “continue to enforce the ban across the state on all IPOB activities”.
