By Ovedhe Hezekiah

DELTA STATE – The Police say it has intercepted three trucks loaded with properties suspected to have been vandalized and stolen from the premises of the moribund Delta Steel Company, DSC.

The Delta Steel Company now called Premium Mines & Steel Limited is located in Ovwian/Aladja community Udu Local Government Area of Delta State.

Drivers of the three trucks names withheld, were arrested on Friday, 14th February, following alarm raised by some persons in Ovwian community.

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Members of the community impounded the trucks and arrest the drivers as they were leaving and called the Police who quickly swung into action and promptly intercepted the three lucks loaded with the vandalized properties with the three drivers, an eyewitness said.

When contacted, the Delta State Commissioner of Police, CP Hafiz Mohammed Inuwa confirmed the report in a telephone with this reporter.

Police intercept trucks loaded with items vandalised at former Delta steel company Hafiz Inuwa, Commissioner of Police, Delta state.

CP Inuwa said, “Actually, we got an information that some suspected trucks were moving out of Aladja area with items suspected to have been vandalized from the moribund DSC.

“So, as a result, I quickly got in touch with the Commander of Operation Safe Delta to consequently move along with his men and intercepted the three trucks. The three trucks are now at Ovwian/Aladja Division for safe keeping while the three drivers were apprehended.”

Operation Safe Delta was launched in December 2019 by the Delta state police command to battle increase in crime in Delta state.

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In a brief chat with newsmen, the President-General of Ovwian community, Hon. Matthew Uparan who also confirmed the report said, “the matter is still on. They’re still at the Police Station.

He noted that the other Communities may not have any hand in the alleged vandalism and stealing of properties from DSC yard, positing that, “It is the Premium Steel, this new company that came that are vandalizing the properties.”

The DGM Public Affairs of Premium Mines & Steel Limited, Mr. Emma Etaghene in a telephone chat with our correspondent said, “I have not gotten the details, but am trying to find out. As soon as I get the details, I will get in touch with you.”
