Abasifreke Effiong

The Enugu state police command says it has arrested a 24 years old child molester, one Ifeoma Ozougwu, who pressed hot iron on a 10 year old.

The police command in a release on signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Daniel Ndukwe Ekea, said the suspect was arrested on July 2, at Thinker’s corner following reports by neighbours.

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“Following a credible information received at Enugu Area Command on 02/07/2020 at about 0900 hours alleging that a woman in Akonameze Street, Thinker’s Corner, Enugu, inflicted degrees of injuries on her minor female ward, Operatives of the Command swiftly moved to the area where they rescued the victim, Nneoma Nnadi aged 10, arrested the suspect, one Ifeoma Ozougwu aged 24; and thereafter arrested her husband, one Jude Ozougwu aged 40.”

Police in Enugu arrest child molester who pressed hot iron on minor The suspect, Ifeoma Ozougwu.

“On receipt of the visibly exhausted and traumatized victim, the Commissioner of Police, CP Ahmad Abdur-Rahman, instructed the Area Commander to rush her to hospital for treatment.”

“Preliminary investigation shows that suspect, who is victim’s relative and a mother of three (3), mistreats her to the extent of using different objects, including hot pressing iron, iron rod and nails to inflict several grievous bodily harm as well as inserting pepper into her private part”, the release states.

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CP Abdur-Rahman warned all those who may have been in the habit or are intending to maltreat and/or inflict grievous harm on susceptible children to desist forthwith, as the Command will not spare anyone found culpable in such inhuman acts that infringe on the dignity and fundamental human rights of children.

He also advised parents/guardians to take responsibility, adequately care for their children/wards and train them with the fear of God Almighty.

The release adds that the command will launch of a thorough investigation and prosecution of the suspect, her husband and any other culpable accomplices to the crime.
