Plateau state governor, Mr. Simon Lalong.

By M. Peter – Jos

Plateau state government has set up a technical committee for the domestication of community policing framework.

The committee for the domestication of community policing framework is to draw up community policing model that would be responsive to public safety and security.

Plateau state governor, Mr. Simon Lalong inaugurated the committee on Wednesday 19th February, in Jos.

Lalong told members of the committee to develop a framework for the domestication and implementation of community policing model in ways that align, complement and strengthen Operation Rainbow (a state-owned security outfit) and other community security outfits such as Vigilante and Neighbourhood Watch Groups.

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“After frank, open and solution-driven interaction that involved resource persons, heads of security agencies, community and traditional rulers, the meeting came up with far-reaching recommendations, among other things, participants agreed that community policing as a veritable security option should be pursued at all levels, while Operation Rainbow should be strengthened to be a visible channel for intelligence gathering and response.”

“Most importantly, the communique recommended the setting up of a technical committee by Government to harmonise the presentations and evolve a more sustainable community policing framework for immediate implementation in the State.”

“We have to be ahead of the criminals that seem bent on testing the resolve of Government by evolving new strategies that are grassroots-based and capable of putting them out of business.”

“Government shall provide all that you need to enable you carry out this assignment effectively. Therefore, I urge you to be objective and put the interest of our State above any other consideration.”

Lalong charged the committee to come up with recommendations that will ensure the effective implementation of community policing as alternative to the conventional security approaches.

Conventional security methods have failed to wrest insecurity in Plateau and other states in the middle belt region.

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The committee is to determine the structure and roles for the state, local government, districts, and communities as well as funding modalities.

The Plateau state committee for the domestication of community policing framework is chaired by the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice in the state, Barr. Chrysanthus Ahmadu.
