By M. Peter – Jos

The Acting Chairman of the Plateau state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, Hon. Amos Gombi has called on Governor Simon Lalong and the State Independent Electoral Commission to conduct an election to produce elected chairmen for four local government areas in Plateau North Senatorial zone.

Gombi said his party will not tolerate anymore appointment of transition committee chairmen for the areas as such is an act of illegality and called on the State Assembly not to partake in such act.

For over a year, four local government areas of Jos North, Jos South, Riyom and Barkin Ladi have been headed by Transition Committee Chairmen as election was not held in those areas due to security challenges but Gombi noted that “we cannot continue to live with illegality.”

Speaking at the sideline of the factional State Executive Committee (SEC) expanded meeting of his Party in Jos, he called on the members of the State House of Assembly to desist from extending the tenure of the four Management Committee Chairmen.

His words, “It is obvious that within a short time, the Plateau State House of Assembly would renew the tenure of local government chairmen in these four local government areas in the Northern zone of Plateau state. It is illegal. All spirited individuals and lovers of democracy should rise up against the illegal act. The people of the zone are fed up and cannot continue to live with illegality. As a matter of urgency, the Plateau State House of Assembly should not renew further the tenure of the chairmen in these local government areas.”
