Protesters on the Ughelli/Asaba expressway.

Ovedhe Hezekiah-Isoko

Commuters taking Ozoro/ Kwale axis of Ughelli/Asaba expressway were on Monday 21st February, 2022, stranded as residents of Ovrode Community in Isoko North Local Government Area of Delta State, shut down the road in a renewed protest over neglect of the community by State and Federal Government.

The protesters comprises of men, women and youths besieged the Ughelli/Asaba expressway for hours with placards bearing various inscription including, “Ovrode is bleeding, “No federal and State Government projects in Ovrode Community”, “Our Grammar school is in a bad shape, no teachers and no chairs”, “No Constituency projects in Ovrode Community,” “Oil exploration in our community since 1963 till date and nothing to show for it”, among others.

Addressing newsmen at the scene of the protest, President General of Ovrode Community, Mr Felix Efedhoma said, “both State and Federal Government has abandoned Ovrode Community despite being an Oil producing Community since 1963 till date.

Community blocks Ughelli/Asaba expressway over government neglect Some of the protesters barricading the road.

In his words; “Ovrode as an oil producing community since 1963 till date, has no federal or state government projects in the community, not even DESOPADEC or NDDC project since 1999 till date.

“Ovrode Community is seriously bleeding. No Primary Health Care Center in the community, No portable water to drink, both Primary and Secondary school in the Community are all dilapidated and no good road network within the community.

“Since two weeks ago that we made the first protest, could you believe that we have not hear from the State or Federal Government. It was four days back that the Local Government Council Chairman called me and appealed that he will see what he can do.

“Not even a response from the Honourable Member representing Isoko North Constituency at the Delta State House of Assembly. This is to show the height of negligence from the State and Federal Government.” He added.

Corroborating the President General, the Youth Leader of Ovrode Community, Comrade Viano Unwe and the community women leader, Mrs Tina Ataibuno, said, “We as a peaceful loving community has supported both State and Federal Government in all elections since 1999 till date. But the presence of Government at all levels is not felt in the community. No State or Federal Government appointment. This shows that, the state and federal government has taken Ovrode Community for granted which we want to put an end to today.”

They however frowned at the poor state of infrastructural development in Ovrode Community, noting that, they will continue the protest till when both State and Federal Government answer them.

As at the time of filing this report, no government officials from both local, state and federal government were on ground to address the protesters.
