Barr. Onofiok Luke, addressing state officers, chapter and ward executives and stakeholders of the PDP from Etinan, Nsit Ibom and Nsit Ubium during a Christmas get-together at Ikot Ekwere, Nsit Ubium local government area, on Monday 20th December.

By Abasifreke Effiong

Barr. Onofiok Luke, member representing Etinan/Nsit Ibom/Nsit Ubium federal constituency says he remains committed to the well-being and welfare of members of the Peoples Democratic Party, in Akwa Ibom State.

Barr. Luke who made cash donations to the State Executive Committee of the party and staff working at the State secretariat of the PDP in Uyo, for the celebration of Christmas, said “no matter what happens, he will remain a committed member of the PDP.”

He said the party has given him different platforms to serve his people, Akwa Ibom State and Nigeria, hence he will at all times uphold the interest and welfare of officers and members of the party.

The federal lawmaker said he decided to visit the party executive to celebrate Christmas with them and solicit her approval to allow him meet with chapter officers and stakeholders of the the party in his federal constituency this yuletide and share the joy of the season with them.

“I also came here to respectfully inform the party and solicit her approval to allow me host the party officers in Etinan federal constituency for a Christmas get-together.”

He said since he joined the PDP at the formation stage in 1998, he has enjoyed tremendous support and cooperation of the party while working at the grassroots for the success of the party in different offices of responsibility given to him in the past.

“I thank the party for giving me the opportunity to fly her flag since 2011. I am a foundation member of the Peoples Democratic Party. I joined this party in 1998 as a student leader, I have won many T-shirts for this party. I have been a drummer boy for this party. I have mobilised youths and have led the ground support for our party to succeed in all elections since formation. I have the interest of this party at heart.”

While paying homage to Governor Udom Emmanuel, the leader of the PDP in Akwa Ibom State, Barr. Luke appealed to the leadership of the PDP to give consideration to people who have stood by the party selflessly in the past when they will be selecting people for offices in 2023.

Onofiok Luke states commitment to welfare of PDP members, gives party N20m for Christmas R- L Mr. Lawrence Udosen, Deputy State Chairman of the PDP, Barr. Onofiok Luke, Secretary of the PDP, and other state officers of PDP having a chat when Luke paid a Christmas visit to the State Exco of the Party.

He said this was necessary to ensure that the completion agenda of the Udom Emmanuel administration is sustained.

“We are talking about completion agenda, for we to continue with the completion agenda, whoever shall take over from Governor Udom Emmanuel must be someone who was there at the initiation of the development agenda we earnestly seek to complete. By God’s amazing grace, we have been there since 1998”, Luke added.

RELATED STORY : Onofiok Luke: His thoughts for tomorrow

Responding, the State Chairman of the PDP, Mr. Aniekan Akpan, represented by the Deputy State Chairman, Mr. Lawrence Udosen, thanked Barr. Onofiok Luke, for reaching out to the party during the yuletide.

Mr. Akpan said Barr. Luke is the first public officer in the party to make donation to the party executive for the celebration of Christmas.

The party chairman lauded the federal lawmaker for representing the party effectively in the National Assembly, saying that the party will select only credible members for positions in 2023.

“You are the first public officer that has come to celebrate Christmas with the Party. We are happy about this visit and we thank you.”

“As a party, we will ensure that those who respect the party that will be selected and sent to represent us. Let me assure you and every member of the party that we will give everyone a level playing ground.”

“Let me also state that whether it is direct primary or delegates election, the party will work hard to ensure that our State will remain PDP”, the party chairman stated.

In another development, Barr. Onofiok Luke, donated N20 million to chapter and ward executives and stakeholders of the PDP in Etinan federal constituency for the celebration of Christmas.

Barr. Luke made the donation at a Christmas get-together he organised for stakeholders of the party in his federal constituency on Monday.

The meeting which was held at the residence of the political leader of Etinan federal constituency, Senator Effiong Bob, in Ikot Ekwere, Nsit Ubium local government area, was attended by House of Assembly members from the federal constituency; Chairmen of Local Government Councils and councillors from Etinan federal constituency; members of Boards and parastatals; state, chapter and ward executives of the party; chapter and ward coordinators of the Maintain Peace Movement as well as former political office holders of the PDP in the federal constituency.

Also at the meeting were the representatives of the Honourable Commissioner for Lands and Water Resources, Pastor Umo Eno, the immediate past Executive Vice Chairman of ExxonMobil Nigeria, Mr. Udom Inoyo and the Managing Director of Desicon Group of Companies, Mr. Akan Udofia.

At the event, Barr. Luke lauded Governor Udom Emmanuel for the pace of work on the ongoing dualisation of Uyo-Etinan-Ndon Eyo road and the state-of-the-art equipment at the remodeled and re-equipped General Hospital, Etinan.

He equally thanked the Governor for giving opportunities to indigenes of the federal constituency to serve in his cabinet and contribute their quota to the success of the Governor’s completion agenda and urged his constituents to support the succession agenda of Governor Udom Emmanuel.

The lawmaker thanked Senator Effiong Bob for granting him the request to host the meeting in his house.

In his remark, Senator Bob, lauded Barr. Luke for convening the meeting and noted that it was the first time stakeholders from the three local government areas were meeting together as one group.

Senator Bob urged members of the party to turn out for the ongoing voters registration exercise.

Other speakers at the event including the member representing Etinan State constituency, Barr. Aniefiok Dennis and Chairman of Nsit Ibom local government area, Mr. Eric Akpan, thanked Barr. Luke for the gift which the said was a trail blazing gesture since Christmas started.
