Governor Nyesom Wike.

Coalition of Niger Delta leaders have kicked against the appointment of persons who are not from Niger Delta to head the affairs of the Presidential Amnesty as caretakers.

The coalition met with Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike in Port Harcourt to express their displeasure and dissatisfaction over the appointment.

Receiving the coalition, Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, called for the unity of all ethnic nationalities in the Niger Delta, to promote the development of the region.

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A statement by the Special Assistant (Electronic Media) to Governor Wike, Simeon Nwakaudu, quoted the governor as saying that all Niger Deltans should sing one song for the development of the region.

“We must speak with one voice irrespective of the political party that we belong. The time has come for us to work together.”

“The song we should sing is the Niger Delta, not any specific ethnic group. When we sing any specific ethnic group, it is difficult to unite.”

“Let’s not restrict our struggle to any particular ethnic Nationality. If we don’t work together, we will continue to lose out.’

Governor Wike said that the problem of the Niger Delta is because the people sing in discordant tunes.

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The Governor said that the Amnesty for Niger Delta was mismanaged, decried the situation where the former Special Adviser on Amnesty was detailed to remove him from office as Governor of Rivers State.

He said he cannot ask for his reappointment because he used his position to kill Rivers people during the elections.

Governor regretted that the Niger Delta Development Commission ( NDDC) has been negatively manipulated to deny the people of the region key projects.

“It is unfortunate that the NDDC cannot deliver on regional projects. There are no interstate roads and NDDC has not done any major project. Instead, the NDDC is engaged in micro projects to promote political interests.”

Governor Wike stated that he is ready to host the conference of ethnic nationalities in Port Harcourt, but after due consultation with the five other South – South Governors.

He commended the Delta State Governor for providing the right leadership for the South – South to enhance development of the region.

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Earlier, a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Mr. Smart Adoki, said that the Niger Delta leaders were at the Government House to thank Governor Wike for providing leadership for the region.

He urged the Rivers State Governor to work for the restoration of the Presidential Amnesty Programme to faithfully serve the region.

In his remarks, leader of the delegation, Elder T.K. Ogorimagba urged the Rivers State Governor to serve as the number one advocate for the development of the South-South .

He said that the Amnesty Programme is a security programme, which should be limited to only South-South.

Ogorimagba urged the Rivers State Governor to host the Conference of Ethnic Nationalities of the South-South to promote the development of the area.
