By Peter Kelvin

DELTA – The Director General, Warri Uvwie and Environs Special Area Development Agency (WUEDA), Comrade Ovuozourie Macaulay says the proposed storm water project will address the perennial flooding in Warri, Uvwie and its environs.

The flood control mega project will run in two phases with an expected construction time span of two years.

DG WUEDA, Mr. Macaulay (middle) addressing the press.

WUEDA’s DG, Macaulay stated this on Monday while addressing newsmen in Warri, Delta state said Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has approved the project.

“The state government has approved the mega project for phased construction of flood control projects. The project is designed to channel flood directly to the natural water reservoirs surrounding Warri, Uvwie and its environs.”

“On completion, residents of Warri, Uvwie and environs should expect an appropriately drained city of their pleasure.”

Macaulay said the agency will soon commence rehabilitation of bad roads.

“The agency has observed the bad state of the internal roads within Warri, Uvwie and its environs. We apologize for the inconveniences this must have caused residents. We also appeal for your patience and support”, he stated.
