By Kelvin Peter – Warri

The management of Lily Hospitals Limited located in Warri, Delta state has debunked rumours that it admitted Coronavirus (COVID -19) patient in its health facility.

The hospital’s consulting public health physician, Dr. Ferguson Ehimen and CEO of the hospital, Dr. Austin Okogun, stated this in a statement on Friday.

The management said that the hospital had not at any time admitted a patient infected with the dreaded virus.

READ : None of our employees has been infected by Covid-19 – Chevron

“Our attention has been drawn to different reports and news items currently the rounds on social media about a Foreigner’s visit to our Lily hospitals Limited facilities in Warri.”

“This insinuation and falsehood centered around the patients visit and status, regarding the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.”

“As a responsible corporate entity, a leading stakeholder in the health industry, management is compelled to state that the rumours are false speculations.”

RELATED STORY : House of Assembly in Delta advocates public sensitisation on Coronavirus

“It is our hope that by setting the record straight, the tension generated by the falsehood will stem and the public will avoid escalating an already fragile national and global crisis”, the statement added.
