Mr. Joseph Ari, Director General ITF.

By Marie-Therese Nanlong

Jos – For the Industrial Training Fund, ITF to continue to make credible impacts on the economy of the country, staff of the organization have been tasked to remain resolute and dedicated as such are the attributes that would make ITF take the lead in human capital development.

The Director-General of the ITF, Joseph Ari gave the charge while addressing the staff at the 2021 annual review meeting tagged, “Actualizing ITF Mandate in a VUCA World” held at the ITF headquarters, Jos.

Ari maintained that by working tirelessly in line with “the core values of integrity, efficiency, effectiveness, commitment, professionalism, and creativity, we will overcome the obstacles that are in our path of growing from a performing institution to an excellent one.”

He further tasked the staff to reach out to as many organizations as possible to synergize and attain the corporate goals and contribute to the economy saying, “Any good student of Nigerian politics will be aware that activities on the year preceding any major election are dedicated in most part to electioneering as politics take precedence over economic development and other governmental matters including skills acquisition.

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“The last election cycles revealed the tendency for people aspiring for political offices to leverage skills acquisition as a campaign tool. As the leading Human Resource Development Agency in Nigeria, how do we take advantage of this situation to boost our training activities?

“… The Central Bank of Nigeria is currently proposing a new initiative titled RT200 FX that will require commercial banks to source their foreign exchange requirement through the promotion of Non-oil exports as a means of deepening the diversification of the economy as well as shoring up the country’s foreign reserves. The programme, which seeks to generate over 2 billion dollars, will involve the encouragement of commercial banks by the CBN to support the value chains of MSMEs for non-oil export.

“If I were to assess our performance as an organization, especially within the last few years, I will not hesitate to say we have performed commendably on all facets of our activities and programmes.
For us to live up to our vision of being ‘the foremost skills training and development organization in Nigeria and one of the best in the world’ we shall continue to search for new ways of doing things that will engender growth and greater results that is the true meaning of ideation and innovation…”
