Sheriff Oborevwori, Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, presenting a keynote at the refresher course for DSHA.

Ovedhe Hezekiah

Sheriff Oborevwori, Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, has told Deltans to expect robust legislations in the days ahead, from members of the House of Assembly.

Oborevwori gave the assurance in a keynote in a keynote at the opening of a two-day refresher course for members of the House of Assembly, on Monday 2nd March at Oleh, Isoko South local government area.

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The theme of the refresher course is; “Understanding legislative drafting for effective legislative business.”

The Speaker said the course will be beneficial in shaping the contributions of the legislators in making laws that will improve the economy, infrastructure, health, education and other sectors in the state.

“There is no doubt in my mind that after this refresher course, the House will experience higher legislative inputs from members that will yield robust legislation for the state economic and social well-being, security of lives and property, infrastructure development, healthcare outreach and sound education among others”.

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“Distinguished colleagues, our primary responsibility is to make good laws for our people and the state. Therefore, it behoves on us as members to understand and be able to decipher drafting language, structure and content of bills, bills format, style and structure of penal provisions. If we master all of these, our consideration of bills at first and second reading, in committees, committee of the whole House and eventual passage will be seamless”.

Oborevwori also advised his colleagues that within the two days of the programme, they should open their minds to fresh and new ideas, saying that; “I want to believe strongly that this refresher course is a learning curve in legislative drafting for most of us”.

He commended the governor, Mr. Ifeanyi Okowa, for his continuous support to the House of Assembly.

The Clerk of the Delta State House of Assembly, Mrs. Lyna Aliya Ocholor, said that the workshop was aimed at improving the quality of lawmaking process with a view to having a deeper understanding of the process of Bill drafting.

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She added that the programme will impact positively on sessions at plenary as well as improve the understanding of the business of lawmaking.

In his welcome address, the Director General of National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS ), Prof. Abubarka Sulaiman, represented by Dr. John Olanrewaju, Head, Training and International Cooperation, NILDS, said the course was designed to help participants understand legislative drafting, Bill analysis and scrutiny.
