By M. Peter – Jos.

Following the continuous spread of the COVID-19 disease, Plateau state government says it will sanction any person or group caught violating the ban on public gathering in the state.

The Commissioner for Information and Communication, Dan Manjang gave the warning even as he expressed displeasure over the disobedient being observed as groups are going about their events without minding the consequences.

Manjang, in a statement issued in Jos on Sunday said the decision to ban public gathering was arrived at during a critical stakeholders’ meeting of the state comprising.

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He added, “the gathering brainstormed on the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19) that is ravaging the world and took far-reaching precautionary measures to safeguard against possible occurrence of the disease in the state.

“The state government has noticed the flagrant disregard and disrespect of the measures by some individuals and groups in the state. Of particular note is the noncompliance of the outright suspension of anniversaries and cultural festivals. It is in this light therefore, that government frowns at this attitude and is ready to deal with violators and/or offenders.

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“By this notice, the government is hereby calling on such groups and individuals to desist from disrespect to constituted authority and comply forthwith. Failure to do so will attract appropriate sanctions by government.”
