By Peter Kelvin – Warri

A combined team of security operatives comprising the Police, Navy and Army on Tuesday 17th December, raided hideouts of illegally refined diesel marketers in Ubeji, Ifiekporo and other areas in Warri south local government area of Delta state.

The operation was led by the police Area Commander in Warri, Mohammed Garba.

During the operation, shanties and products suspected to be illegally refined diesel were destroyed.

Though no arrest was made, the team however seized a mini van suspected to be used in the distribution of illegally refined diesel.

Security operatives raid diesel marketers' hideouts in Delta The van and drums recovered during the raid.

The driver of the van on seeing the team jumped out of the van and took to his heels leaving the van and the products behind.

Addressing journalists on the raid, the Warri Area Commander lamented the economic sabotage perpetrated by oil thieves. He said security operatives will not compromise in bringing criminal elements to book in his areas of operation as Area Commander.

The exercise according to the police Boss will be a continuous one in compliance with the directives of the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu.

He said, “we embarked on this raid because of series of reports from both the citizens and government. We have been receiving reports that there is heavy illegal diesel bunkering going on in that community. So we have to mobilize a combine force of military men comprising the Police, the Navy, the Air Force and the Army.

“As you can see when we got here we discovered that the illegal business is still going on despite the fact that we have raided this place before.”

“We are warning all those involved in this illegal business that the long arm of the law will catch up with them and by that time we will not show mercy to anybody that is caught because this is economics sabotage.

“This sabotage of the economy must stop and we will continue to raid these areas because we cannot continue to allow some few individuals continue to sabotage our economy,” Garba said.

Speaking on the security situation in his area of jurisdiction ahead of the yuletide, Garba said, “Warri is very peaceful”, assuring residents of Warri that their safety is a priority to the police force.
