Comrade Ja’afar Muhammad Loko, Nasarawa state Chairman of National Youth Council of Nigeria.

By Abel Leonard, Lafia

The National Youth Council of Nigeria, (NYCN) Nasarawa chapter has said there is no better time than now to hold leaders accountable towards ensuring good governance in Nigeria.

Nasarawa state Chairman of NYCN Comrade Ja’afar Muhammad Loko, states this during the chapter’s extraordinary meeting held at the conference room of the ministry of youth and sports during deliberations on plans for an election that would usher in new executives as the tenure of the present executives ends.

Loko said NYCN is the umbrella and highest youth decision-making body for the enhancement of peace, harmonious coexistence and Youths Development in the country, with Nasarawa State inclusive.

“The Council runs an executive system with structures across all the ties of Government aiming at inspiring and coordinating youths activities to a conventional standard, in a beat to make the youths in the state realized their full potentials and dreams, aspirations and being responsible to themselves, their families and the society at large is realized”, Loko said.

As supreme and authentic mouthpiece of youths in the country, the state council in her quest to provide a common platform for all the structures of youth to advance the course of youths, Comrade Jar far noted that the youth will play a very vital role in the 2023 elections while urging all youth to get their permanent voters Card (PVC) so as to make credible decision on who will be the president of Nigeria come 2023.

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According to him, this would be achieved through enhanced social enlightenment, mobilization and coordination as a tool for complementing the efforts of Governments and other relevant stakeholders in the Youth Development as well as to study the lingering problems confronting youths and to arrive at sustainable and actual means of mitigating the adverse effects on youth.

Explaining the criteria for the elections into various offices, the Chairman said leadership in Youth Council at all levels emerges through democratic processes, adding that election is the most essential part that provides a common ground for ascertaining and aggregating views, preferences, attitudes and opinions of the youth on who should be their leader.

Following the expiration of four years tenure of the executives of the Youth Council in the local government and development areas (local chapters),”

The state management working committee under the able leadership of comrade Ja’afar Muhammad Loko evokes the provision of section 12 (3) of the NYCN constitution to constitute a 9–man Electoral Committee (ELCOM) with representatives from each zones of the state, Ministry of Youth and Sport Development and Nasarawa State Independent Electoral Committee (NASIEC) to conduct elections in all the 13 Local Government and 18 Development Areas of the state.”

Members of the electoral committee includes; Comr. Muhammad Mainoma Akaro, Bar. Samuel John Attah, Comr. Musa S.I. Danka, Comr. Sanusi Ganuwa, Comr. Muhammad Rabi’u, Comr. Muhammad Lawal Nata’ala, Comr. Akolo David Alaku, Comr. Dorcas Damisa and Comr. Abubakar Musa while, Muhammad Lawal Nata’ala, Akolo David Alaku and Musa Danka to serve as Chairman, Secretary and publicity Secretary of the committee respectively.

This he however, said became necessary and timely to avoid creation of vacuum and to allow the Youths to exercise their franchise in electing who should lead them at their various localities.

The committee has been inaugurated under the supervision of the Honourable Commissioner of Youth and Sport Development and saddled with the task includes the following; to prepare and conduct free and fair elections, to prepare and publish electoral guidelines and election time – table in line with the provisions of constitution at council State secretariat, Local Government and Development Areas headquarters, council website and any other medium deem necessary.

Adding also to make arrangements for candidates to campaign and address the public before the election, Choose date, venues and conduct election within the period of 35 days, from the date of the inauguration.

Liaise with the Ministry of Youth, NASIEC and other relevant stakeholders to make adequate preparations and successful conduct of the elections, Ensure that the rules guiding the conduct of elections as provided for are strictly adhere to.

The Chairman therefore charged the entire youth of the state to see NYCN as a leadership training ground and participate in the process of the election so as to contribute their quota to the state and national development.
