Rt. Hon. Onofiok Luke.

What matters most to Onofiok Luke is, making himself an instrument of blessings through which people can get succour for their problem.

Kufre Etuk

2023 Governorship : Onofiok Luke fits the bill

Kufre Etuk

It is practically dangerous to give correct assessment of man who throws in the towel in contest. This is because in the sphere of politics, contenders consciously and unconsciously engage in impression Management, IM. Impression Management, also called self-presentation, is a concept in organizational politics by which people control how they are perceived by others.

It is believed that people are more motivated to control how others perceive them when they believe that their public images are relevant to the attainment of desired goals, the goals for which their impression is relevant, and valuable.

In Akwa Ibom State, people vying for different positions in the forthcoming 2023 elections having in the past months attempted to brand and rebrand themselves as acceptable commodities in the market square of politics. They have been mirrored from different angles of perception. Instances abound where some politicians are deliberately whitewashed to be saints while many others are portrayed as too pious to hurt a fly despite their dented past records.

Whichever way, this is part of political gimmicks people employ to sell their aspirants or candidates during electioneering.

However, the current Chair of House of Representatives Committee on Judiciary, Rt. Hon.Onofiok Luke is one man whose character and action have been consistent with his life within and without electioneering season. He has demonstrated uncommon love for Akwa Ibom people. One striking trait of this personality is his openness and accessibility to all.

This is one uncommon feature among the political class. Virtually everyone who has come in contact with Barr. Onofiok Luke would agree that he is accessible in all ramifications. Onofiok, as most people call him, sits freely with all classes of people, relates with them and understands their worldview. To the elite, he can squarely communicate without hurting their feelings; and to the downtrodden, he understands the language to use.

Openness and accessibility to the led are postmodern demands in good leadership and only few leaders possess this trait. This is possible because the man Onofiok Luke has been through different stages of life which prepared him for today’s challenges and various leadership roles. As s student union president, he could relate with students and advocate their needs even in the face of dire consequences. What matters most to Onofiok Luke is, making himself an instrument of blessings through which people can get succour for their problem.

As a young man who lost his father at a very tender age, Onofiok Luke has been through series of life’s challenges that have shaped him into a better leader. This is why Onofiok cannot hoard himself from the masses because he has been through what they are passing through and can understand their situation even without their outright expression.

READ : A’Ibom 2023: Six groups endorse Onofiok Luke for governorship

Another unique attribute of the young lawmaker is his commitment to solving people’s problem. Luke’s commitment to the masses is seen in the numerous bills he sponsored while in the state House of Assembly as lawmaker and Speaker. Some of those bills passed into law include; The Law to provide for the establishment of the Akwa Ibom State HIV/AIDS control agency, functions of the agency, and for connected matters; and The Law to amend the Magistrate Court Laws 2000 and for matters connected therewith. In 2017, his bill for a primary healthcare development agency as well as the state health insurance scheme and agency were passed into law. He also pushed for the provision of affordable housing in the Akwa Ibom state through the law for social housing he sponsored.

Other of such human interest bills include; The bills for laws to provide for the safety of employees in construction companies and industries in Akwa Ibom State, and to protect the physically challenged against discrimination in Akwa Ibom State. He said that part of his GOAL if elected governor will be to ensure inclusive education, by eliminating social and economic hindrances and stereotypes to allow persons with special needs pursue choice careers and live their full potentials.

In Akwa Ibom State, there is a collective yarning for a leader who is open, accessible and has interest of the masses at heart; and Onofiok Luke fits into this mold. Akwa Ibom people are tired of being led by people who only fit the bills of the elite. Luke’s desire to serve Akwa Ibom people as their next governor is borne out of strong will to touch lives. This, he has done severally with his limited resources and power. Luke fits the bill for all class of persons; there are testimonials on this.

Mr. Imo Udo, a former Commissioner in the state says, “Onofiok Luke is articulate and as Governor he will know what peg to put in what hole. I can tell you with Onofiok as Governor of this state, Akwa Ibom will be better off.”
